You are here: Employee > Access Control

Access Control

This section displays the access details of the selected Employee. Users will not be able to add or update any information from this page which is divided into three main sections:

  1. Access Details

  2. Employee Details

  3. Access Configuration

Screen Layout of Access Control


Field Description of Access Control

Access Details

This section displays the selected Employee's general information related to IXM Time module as follows:

Access Rule:

It displays the Access Rule applicable to the Employee.


Access Schedule:

It displays the Access Schedule of the Employee


1:N Security:

It displays the security level of the Employee at the time of the identification process.


1:1 Security:

It displays the security level of the Employee at the time of verification process.


1:N Face Security:

It displays the security level of the Employee at the time of face identification process.


1:1 Face Security:

It displays the security level of the Employee at the time of face verification process.


Enable Mask Detection:

It displays "Active" if the Mask Detection is enabled for the Employee. Otherwise, it will display "Inactive".


Mask Detection Rule:

It displays the Mask Detection Rule for the Employee.


Attestation Questions:

It displays "Active" if the Attestation Questions feature is enabled for the Employee. Otherwise, it will display "Inactive".


Attestation Questions Rule:

It displays the Attestation Questions Rule for the Employee.

Employee Details

This section displays employment details of the Employee as follows:

Employee Type:

It displays the Employee Type.



It displays the PIN of the Employee if PIN related Access Rule is selected for the Employee.


Start Date Time:

It displays the date and time from when the Device will be accessible to the Employee


End Date Time:

It displays the date and time up to when the Device will be accessible to the Employee.


Employee Group:

It displays the Employee's Group.

Access Configuration

This section displays the access configuration for the selected Employee:

Door Open Time:

It displays the Door Open Time for the Employee.


It displays "Enable" if Anti-Passback is enabled for the Employee. Otherwise, it will display "Disable".


It displays "Enable" if Holidays are enabled for the Employee. Otherwise, it will display "Disable".